I regularly monitor Twitter and other channels for news and developments related to accessibility in libraries and the broader community. I recently came across this YouTube video from the RNIB (Royal National Institute of Blind People) that explains the work of their National Library Service in the United Kingdom. I was so impressed by it - very professional with a clear communication of the library's value and how advocate on behalf of vision impaired readers. The contributions of some of the library's clients are especially wonderful :)

Vision Australia also has a very good video available on YouTube that describes the services of the Vision Australia Library, if you're interested in learning more about the equivalent local service. Their clear explanation of print disability is excellent, and I loved their demonstration of new braille technologies. I would have liked to hear some client voices or perspectives though (maybe next time!) and closed captioning would have been a plus as well.

2012 is the National Year of Reading, and both of these videos do a fantastic job of demonstrating the importance of being able to read for people of all abilities. I hope you have time to check them out :)