Yesterday I submitted my last assignment for the semester. It's been hard yakka all semester long, usually with five or six assignments on the go at any one time. It's such a relief to have a short break to look forward to! But the holidays aren't here yet ...

Today was the first day of our mid year review. In the morning I set up a table and display space with a selection of the first semester's work - all of the assignments, plus my six best pieces from life drawing and five best pieces from studio drawing. I've included a photo of my display space below. I know you can't see the work very clearly here, but I couldn't fit everything into a single photo anyway. I will post better individual photos soon.

Mid year review

In the afternoon we conducted a peer review session, where we provided critique on each other's folios to date. Everyone has produced so much amazing work this semester that it was really more of a case of finding the best words to effectively compliment people's work and express our admiration. This is part of learning the language of art :)

Tomorrow I'll present my work to a panel of teachers, focusing on six pieces in particular as a basis for a discussion about my artistic direction. The teachers will then review my folio as a whole and provide me with feedback. I'm more interested than nervous at this stage. Overall I'm quite happy with the work I've produced in the course so far, and am hoping that the teachers will give me some pointers on what to explore and develop further next semester.

P.S. Daily blogging is hard when you have five assignments due and a review in the same month!