Glutton for punishment that I am, I have decided to participate once again in the challenge to blog every day of June.
My blog's been pretty quiet this year due to a multitude of reasons. But I have been jotting down my thoughts and activities every now and then, and my drafts folder has been growing and growing. So although I certainly won't have an excess of spare time on my hands in June, I figured this was a good push to get some of those drafts out there - and then you all might have a bit of an idea of what I've been up to this year!
Last year the blogging challenge was called #blogeverydayofjune, in reference to the hashtag that was being used on Twitter. This year it's #blogjune - partly for brevity and partly to help people remember it better! So if you want to follow along on Twitter, just follow the
#blogjune hashtag, or you can check out the list of bloggers on
Libraries Interact, or this
Netvibes page that displays all of the participating blogs (compiled by
So far there are already 60+ bloggers (mostly working in libraries in Australia and New Zealand, but not all) who have put their hands up to participate - almost double the number who did it last year! For me, that was also a big reason to get involved in the challenge again, as I love the sense of community that builds around an activity like this :)
So is my first contribution simply going to be talking about the fact that I'm going to blog every day of June? Yes. But I promise there'll be *actual* content in the days to come ;)
In the meantime, here's a photo of life (sometimes) in Darwin:
P.S. I'll be tweeting using this year's Twitter hashtag #blogjune, but I'll use both of the tags "blogjune" and "blogeverydayofjune" here on my blog, so that people can find blog posts from both years' events more easily. Yes, I'm such a librarian - must have the metadata right!
Edited to add: I've made some changes to my blog, and am now only using #blogjune to describe these blog posts (it's shorter!)